Project Vihiga

In Vihiga County, Kenya,
an estimated 19,000
adults and children are
living with the HIV
God gave us a solution
let's work together
to get it to everyone

  • Donate One Bottle for $18 for a 6 Month's Supply

    Project Vihiga

    Goal Tracker

    The goal is to distribute

    19,000 bottles to

    all of Vihiga County, Kenya!


    as of March 2024

    the opportunity

    *The number of people with HIV in Vihiga County has been updated to reflect official numbers since this video was published.


    Florence Nanyama

      Florence Nanyama 60, a widow and a mother of 6, lost her husband through HIV & AIDS in 2007. She has been living HIV positive since then. Her youngest child, who is 16 years-old, is HIV positive, and has dropped out of school for lack of school funds. When our Community Heath Volunteer, Esther, visited Florence almost three weeks ago, she was bedridden with a myriad of diseases. She began using the Ocean Treasure and has now she regained her strength. She is able to walk and to work on her home farm. When we visited her last week, she was busy preparing fodder for her cow and goats. Florence is so grateful for the Ocean Treasure. She says that without it, she would have died.  She uses Ocean Treasure every day, and it has made a tremendous difference in her health. Though she is still a little frail with a slight memory loss, Florence is determined. She is hopeful that, if she can get some financial assistance, it would help her return to the market to sell indigenous vegetables while at the same time plant more on her parcel of land for home consumption and sale. 

    Vihiga County and its Subcounties

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